About Us

On 2004 Flores Guadalupe began a journey that has brought losts of satisfaction throught these years. We began with a small 2 hectares farm located in Marinilla, Antioquia - Colombia, Nowdays we count with 4 farms for a total of 8,5 hectares. We began with 6 employees, actually with have 24 permanent and 10 hire during seasons. On February 2013 we began and obtained the certification with Rainforest Alliance, In this way we contribute to the sustainability of ecositema responsible manner See more.

Our biggest flower production is Hydrangeas, currently we produce 90000 stems weekly, which is divided into 8,5 hectares of Hydrangeas White, Blue, minigreen, jumbo, Antique and beautiful tinted Hydrangeas by absorption and / or spray plus 2 hectares on Callas, birds of paradise, greens. Also appreciate in our product list other varieties of flowers that we sell and can offer you..


We produce and export excellent quality hydrangeas, complying with the current market necesities and most important our customer's needs through commitment , loyalty and respect for our collaborators,the community and the environment.


We will fulfill our promise to be one of the best flower exports, keeping a steady growth in terms of human, environmental, quality and technologically, with a committed and satisfied staff in accordance with the requirements and demands of our customers.
